Friday, September 20, 2013


   Well, after taking a day away from the blog, getting a good night's sleep, up and ready to take the boy to school on time, then no good thing seems to go unpunished lately. I get home. Figure I'll load the old computer up, go to Starbucks, work on the blog and watch the yo yo's stand in line for coffee. Generally a pretty fun thing to do on a cool, cloudy morning. With a bit of rain in the forecast, it would be fun. So far, not the damn case. I get home from taking the boy to school, gather up my toys I have to have to go anywhere, and begin to cough. Not a little, "oh, something is in my trach" cough. No, that would be okay. This was a deep in the back of my throat, what the hell is going on, kinda cough. Only I knew damn well what was going on. I'm gonna puke. Great. See, when I get to the point I puke, nothing keeps it from loading up my sinuses. That also means it has now way to stay in there so I can blow my nose to clear it out. No, it runs right back the direction it went in, all full of yuck and really strong acid. So, it makes me gag, which makes me throw up, which starts the entire process over again. In the mean time, having been fooled before, it'll stop for a few minutes. Lulling you into that happy place that is meant to truly be "Oh shit, that's over with, I can relax", only to jump back in with a nice projectile shot. Ahhh, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. I didn't fall for that falsehood. I waited. And just as I had an inkling that it was over, it hit again.  I'm fine now, but bear in mind the whole thing took almost 2 hours out of my morning. And is almost as much fun as running a power cheese grater over your private parts. Almost. So, here I sit. Two hours and a half after I dropped The Boy off at school. Two hours plus since I started to gather my stuff. And I think it's finally calmed down. No, I will not be leaving the house today, that bus that hit my a couple days ago came back and hit me again. Somewhere between  the corner of Shit I puked and Shit, I Hate That. 

 So, that fun is out of the way. On the plus side, I didn't bust a vessel or puke up copious amounts of blood. That's a good thing, because people freak out around here if I'm suctioning a little blood. If I puking some, I certainly don't want to do mouth to mouth after one of them passes out. Or runs in circles. Or does the "Stand in Place and Panic Run" which, among women, is accompanied by "Holding my Boobs While I Stand in Place and Panic Run". That's really kinda funny, in a sick way, but it makes me laugh none the same. For good or ill, no one freaks like the first time I got to really tossin my cookies. Mostly that's a good thing. Not as funny, but a lot easier on everyone's blood pressure, for certain.
   Now, what brought that one? Well it's very humid and drizzly. That used to make me more of a runny nose boy any way, so why not now? I also fed with a syringe this morning, and may have put it in too fast, which can make a feller throw up. Or it's the huge bubble of gunk that was plaguing me most of the early morning this morning. Any one of those, or all of them, could start that fun and games. Anyway, that's how it is, infrequently, if one can't swallow any thing at all and relies on suction to help them out. It sucks dick for skittles, but it's how it is and will only get worse. Starbucks tomorrow then!!! 

 See, it's really not all that bad. I mean it hurts, it's a gigantic pain in the ass. But as long as shit like that happens once in a while, I'm reminded that I'm really still alive and kicking. A buddy reminded me of that last night. Pain and adversity can do two things. Drag you down and leave you with nothing. Or reaffirm that you're truly alive, and this is your fight if you're willing. Willing has never been a problem with me. I didn't fight every cause, since some of them weren't mine, but I was, and am, always willing to jump in if someone needs the help, or if I get dragged into it. Adversity is what should drive us toward a different goal. Pain? Sometimes that's a good reminder as to why we need to stay the course. Nothing good has ever come from anything that didn't require some personal sacrifice. It's no fun, but I believe it's a requirement. And that doesn't just mean physical pain, don't limit it there. It's also emotional and mental pain. The old saying "When the going gets tough, the tough get going" is spot on, I believe. Movement is life. Sideways, back a couple of steps, but always with that forwarding looking goal in mind. That's if you have to go over or around the adversity and obstacles that are thrown at you. So, yeah, my forward looking goals are still intact. I just change how I have to get to them

   Someone mentioned Gladys's, right next to Kickshickers. I went in there several times. The last time I'm standing drinkin a cold beer, watching two lovely young women flirt with a couple of guys. Then BOOM!! One of em cold cocks the piss out of the other. To his credit, the guy that got hit didn't go clear down, but staggered a bit, got his footing and took the other guy to the floor. By now there's a circle of people around. Most of the guys are being quiet, making sure the winner didn't put leather to the other guy. We did that in the old days, you know. Fight is over, it's over, no kicking a downed man, it wasn't sporting and no one likes an asshole. So, Gladys walks up to me "Go break that up". No, Gladys, that's your bouncers job. "The guy on the ground IS my bouncer!!!".  I started cracking up. She got really pissed. Mad enough I think there were actually bees coming out of her BeeHive hairdo, supplied with wiglets and wigs. So, another guy and I walked over, each grabbed a leg and dragged the bouncer and the guy who was beating his ass, outside. I turned mine loose, started to walk over to Kickers, and the dip shit throws a rock at me. He's still on the ground. "You douche, don't make me stomp a hole in your ass", and walked over to the next bar. That was the last time I went into Gladys's. It wasn't as rough as the place she had at 4 Corners, but damn near!! That place was like CutThroat Alley. Geez

 Do something that involves a challenge. You know, like watching porn without cheetos, that kinda challenge 
Have a wonderful day!! Mine is already getting better.